
My summer in a nutshell. A very, very tiny nutshell. A poppy seed nutshell. Wait...that would be a seedshell...hmm.

Summer is coming to a close.
It is a happysad moment. You feel that those long, warm days of summer, spent on the couch (which is sticking to your thighs, which you wish were smaller, if you're a girl.), while watching reruns and hearing the crickets chirp in the humid summer air, which is smothering you--I find the experience akin to receiving hugs from post-P.E. boys who don't bother to use deodorant, were beautifully relaxing and you quite regret not appreciating them. Of course, at the time, you were probably feeling depressed, alone, and wondering why your friends, whom you left your number in their yearbooks, along with a few HAGS and HAAS and canned responses like, 'You are awesome, I luv u <3 <3' haven't CALLED you yet (or in my case, I drew magical animals from a rear end view and wrote 'slap the flying elephant's butt'....i wonder if their children will open their yearbooks and slap elephants' butts for generations to come).
How summer should be spent (if you have money. Which I don't)
or....you could be one of those people who checked out dozens of library books and downloaded French lessons on to your phone and volunteered at children's summer camps leaving permanent pit-stains in your favorite shirt. a.k.a. ME
one of my favorite library books:
by: E. Lockhart
First of all, the front cover flap is the best front cover flap you'll ever read. Sequins? Spandex? Falsetto? People in unflattering sequined spandex singing in a falsetto? What more could you ask for from a book?
Okay, here is the plot for the amazing (zing-zing) Dramarama. Sadye and Demi are going to Wildewood summer DRAMA CAMP. There they will endure bunions (from dancing), broken hearts, and busted (ugh. tried alliteration. failed.) vocal chords for the sake of musicals.  Sadye is a brilliant Ohio girl who longs for Something Green (Little Shop of Horrors) aka variety. Demi is a brilliant undercover gay who hasn't broken the news to his parents. Together they go to Wildewood. Hooray!!!!!
Wha-ta-tow! To boring summers!
Again, sorry. Really bad summary. But I can't spoil it for you. It is too much of an amazing book. Now, if you are an E. Lockhart veteran, you will know what I'm talking about when I say the endings are a pain in the bazookles. The books themselves, however, are too genius to pass up, even though the endings will make you want to have an excuse to break out Bohemian Rasberry and sob for a couple of hours with Trader Joe's Kleenex. Sadye is immensely complicated...but dear goodness is she absolutely wowness. I think we all have a little bit of her inside of us, although we don't want to admit it and I know you're tutting at me because it's so darn cliche. But it's true. She's really is self discovery personified. She's catty, she's a little conceited, but you bet she's going to blow your mind. This book did. E. Lockhart's books always do. CHECK IT OUT.

The rest of the nutshell? Re-reading The Lord of the Rings. Again. And again. And again.

OhmygoodnessIcannotwaittoreadthisbook: Belle Weather: Mostly Sunny with a Chance of Hissy Fits
or this book: MOCKINGJAY!!! AHHH!!! AHHH!!!


The Novelmaven

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